When the world was hit by the Covid-19 pandemic, I recalled a life between lives regression case that a colleague had shared with me some years ago. This case was quite a shock to me at the time and it may surprise you too.

My colleague, Lisbeth Lysdal, is a Newton Institute life between lives hypnotherapist working in Denmark. As well, she is a Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) coach, a medium and healer, and holds a Masters of Science in Engineering.

I contacted Lisbeth and asked her about the case, which has particular relevance to the coronavirus epidemic. As she had not yet published the case, she very kindly agreed let me share it with you, my readers, as a guest blog. Here is Lisbeth exploring this case:

Regression therapists certified with the Newton institute conduct many different cases, some quite unusual. One such case was Peter, 53, a single healthcare worker, dealing primarily with patients who have severe mental handicaps and illness.

Michael Newton was the first person to find out that many of us have jobs on the other side. Some of our clients are very interested to know what they do in the spiritual realm. During his regression, Peter, discovered something completely unexpected in terms of his activities in his life between lives.

Peter came to see me feeling stuck in his life and looking for a new direction. Through coping with a lot of changes over the past years, he developed a deep sense of compassion, and yet he frequently experienced people being afraid of him. He felt annoyed at the way they reacted towards him and wanted to know the cause. He was also interested in understanding his path and purpose, hoping this would also help him release his frustration and anger at others.

Following is an extracted transcript from his regression that takes place just after he enters the spiritual realm.

Peter: I see other souls and feel them acknowledging me as I move in between them.

Lisbeth: And what are they doing as you move between them?

Peter: We are planning how to heighten awareness and consciousness on Earth.

Lisbeth: Are they working individually, in pairs or in larger groups.

Peter: It differs, and yet we all seem to be connected. I am a part of it.

Lisbeth: Describe your experience of being a part of this.

Peter: It is a large community and we all want to do the best we can to help those who are incarnated to have the best possible experience.

Lisbeth: And what is your soul’s purpose as a part of this?

Peter: To create and motivate. I create disease and a lot of other things. (Peter starts crying.)

Lisbeth: What is happening now?

Peter: I just got insight in my part in creating disease. It is a necessity.

Lisbeth: Tell me why this is necessary.

Peter: It is a fast way to change people’s consciousness. Instead of working with disease in an individual, what we do is give large groups the opportunity to change.

Lisbeth: Please explain this to me so I can comprehend how disease can contribute to higher consciousness.

Peter: Instead of working continuously with the individual, the illness makes it possible to activate a development in several places at once.

Lisbeth: And what is activated?

Peter: It moves people’s attention away from the simple tasks of everyday life.

Lisbeth: Tell me more about the use of disease.

Peter: It can be used to bring people together and show them the importance of uniting or help them reunite. It helps them to see the core essence of their relations.

Lisbeth: this seems to be very important work. Tell me are you just part of the planning or are you part of implementing the diseases in the physical?

Peter: We are a group of 10 souls working together. (Sobbing loudly.) We send the disease in at different locations on earth. We have a lot of helpers to do this, some are from the angelic realm.
Some diseases are made to be contagious and some to be spread on a cellular level.

It is not a problem to get the disease implemented, a lot of souls will help in this process. They know it is a necessity when we need to work fast.

Lisbeth: And what do you call this specialization?

Peter: We are highly specialized in creating disease and natural disasters.

Lisbeth: If a soul would want to join your group, how would they train for this?

Peter: It is a very particular field and the requirements are high. They must have experience in healing every disease. We are all healers. We can build and create and that gives us the ability to destroy and be very selective in how and what is broken down. To have this specialization we must be able to work energy in every possible way.

Souls in general learn from the collective and gain wisdom from the experience of others. For this particular specialization, we learnt from the ten souls in this group. But we did not just get this knowledge and training from the collective or training in the spiritual realm.

We have lived every possible aspect of human life and experienced everything. We have lived lives in which we caused every kind of pain and suffering to fully understand the how the physical, emotional and spiritual parts are affected. We have lived lives as victims and healers to get the necessary experience. We have lived isolated lives, being outcasts as well as deeply connected lives. We still incarnate to understand every possible scenario.

Lisbeth: And how do all these experiences affect you in the physical incarnation as Peter?

Peter: I carry all of these experiences and emotions in my physical body.

The strength that comes with experience is also a weakness. I hold all the experience from all the lives lived. I know how to navigate every aspect of existence. The body for this lifetime is very susceptible to emotions and that makes it hard for me to stay on the intended path for this life.

Peter has the physical knowledge that every decision has an effect on the outcome and thus holds every path open until the last minute.

Lisbeth: Is there a way for you to better communicate the intended path to Peter?

Peter: He must listen to the guidance I give him.

Lisbeth: Can we establish a guidance system, that will help Peter easily receive your guidance?

Peter’s guides give him information about various signals that he can use in his daily life. This is important because Peter contacts me after his regression, reporting that he feels increased calm within himself. He says he now understands why others sense a power within him that can feel threatening. From the regression, he has gained a new sense of direction and a new-found confidence in pursuing other career opportunities.

As you can see from the transcript, Peter was very upset when he first realised his job in the life between lives was creating natural disasters, disease and epidemics on Earth.

We on Earth see such events as destructive, particularly pandemics like Covid-19. No one wants to be ill. We would all like to be strong and healthy. But as Peter learns, one can take a different perspective on disease and pandemics.

The higher view is ultimately positive. Our survival on Earth is threatened. The way we have treated Mother Earth and lived our modern lives is a major cause of this problem. We have lost our connection to our true spiritual nature as loving, compassionate, wise beings. Many people on Earth focus on security in the form of possessions and money, while some go even further being selfish and greedy.

By alerting humans to their vulnerability and physical mortality, disease gives humans the opportunity to look for a deeper meaning to their lives and within themselves.

EMAIL ADDRESS: lisbeth@lisbethlysdal.dk

WEB SITE: https://lisbethlysdal.dk

PHONE NUMBER: +45 26910771


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