Life Between Lives Regression
A Life Between Lives Spiritual Regression is often life changing. You are accessing a larger part of yourself sometimes called your wise-self, your higher self, your soul-self or your true self. This is the part of you that is eternal, the part that is always connected to you, whether you know it or not, whether you open that connection or close it. It is the part that makes plans for your life on Earth, sometimes intervening on your behalf when you are in mortal danger or get off track. This is part that always loves you no matter what you do.
When you undertake a Life Between Lives Regression your spiritual guide and other high-level beings are guiding you. They know what you need, and that is what they deliver. I am amazed how the regression proceeds, often in unusual order, sometimes entering at mid-life, or the end, or even after the person has died. The client and I are often confused. We don’t really know where we are going as the regression unfolds bit by bit. This can also happen when reliving a past life.
As we continue, you are given more experiences and more information until you start making startling connections. The journey begins to make sense. Current life events become meaningful and relationships are more clearly understood. Blocks are removed, advice is given, and you move forward with a deeper understanding of your path and purpose. You may be surprised how the information comes as each session is different.
One of the most profound experiences you can have during a regression is the love that pours into your body from those who love you, including your guides, your eternal larger self and other high-level beings, such as your Council of Elders.
Many people visit their soul group, souls with whom they incarnate over many lifetimes. Meeting missed loved ones who have passed is a most moving experience.
There can be moments when you are so light, so blissful, so innocent and yet, so complete, you feel like a joy-filled, carefree child.
What else can happen during a life between lives regression?
You can be taken to a place of rest and restoration. Some experience this as peaceful darkness, soft light or nothingness. Others experience as being in a magical place of healing. Sometimes the stillness occurs at the beginning of a regression. The guides may be recalibrating your nervous system to prepare you so you are more open and able to proceed. You may be confused, wondering what is going on. Your job is to trust.
You may visit a library, but a library that is like no others. Although it is a place of learning, it can present in many different forms. Your guide might give you a book that represents the whole of your life journey through many lifetimes. Llewellyn’s Little Book of Life Between Lives and one case in my book, Other Lives, Other Realms describe the nature of the library on the other side.
You might visit other planets or float out in space amongst all the beauty of the stars and cosmos. Some people expand into limitlessness, feeling as if they are All That Is. Others feel as if they are part of a large web of interconnectedness. Some feel blissful and complete.
You may visit wise elders who care about you and your progress as a soul. Most likely they will answer your questions. Sometimes, your guide provides the answers and other times the client receives the answers directly. Many of my clients are at a stage of growth where they are learning to trust their intuition. In these cases, the answers come into their mind intuitively.
While any of the previous scenarios can be present in a LBL regression, you may find you experience none of them. Your guides know what you need better than you or your therapist. You need to be open to any information that comes in whatever form. You and the therapist will work together to make sense of what you have received.
Love is always an important part pf the answer and opening to expanded authentic love is our journey.
The most important quality you need for a regression is trust. You need trust in your ability to to be open and receptive and trust in your higher guidance. I am with you, helping you open up and connect to your guide and wise beings, the ones who guided you to see me. They want to help you on this challenging journey on planet Earth and only you can open to their help.
I am your guide and your safety and comfort is my highest priority. I gently show you how to relax your body and I suggest how you may calm the chatter of your conscious mind and release any fears getting in the way. Our objective is to shift your focus from any current concerns into the realms where information is available to you.
Before you embark on a Life Between Lives Regression (LBL), some people first undertake a Past Life Regression. Here are the reasons for that practice:
- The Past Life Regression helps release previous life and current life trauma. That not only gives you useful information, you also develop more confidence in your ability to undergo the process of regression.
- As well, the life tendencies and themes illuminated during a Past Life Regression are often explored in more detail during your Life Between Lives session.
- To access the LBL state, we usually take you through a past life. However, this past life is often brief as it is not our main focus in the Life Between Lives Regression.
- If hypnotherapy and regressions are new, or a little daunting, doing a focussed Past Life Regression is great preparation for the Life Between Lives Regression. It can help you iron out any blocks or resistance.
- A successful Past Life Regression can make the LBL Regression more fluid, easy and effective, especially if you tend to be a bit sceptical, apprehensive or uncertain.
- A Past Life Regression beforehand is recommended by the Newton Institute. However, I have decided to not make it essential, preferring to leave it up to clients to decide if it is necessary or not. Call me if you are unsure.
Once you book in for your sessions, I send you information to help you prepare for your journey. You have people you might want to meet on the other side and questions you want answered.
You’ve heard before that the answers are within you. This is so, but most people need help accessing this information that comes from your inner wisdom, your higher self, your spirit guides and other wise beings
You are always given what you need, as the guides promise. And often all that you wish to know. But it is important to remember that every regression is different. The session is designed by your guides for you specifically, whether that is what you expected or not. in fact, It is important to have as few expectations as possible as all you can be sure of is that you will get what you need.
Even though we use the word “regression” to go to your past lives and life between lives, it is not really about going back in time. In fact, you are experiencing everything from present eyes. By present eyes, I mean your current perspective. Your view of events and relationships change over time. As you gather more information and grow, your point of view changes. Your understanding deepens. Even though you might be reliving a past life, you utilise all the resources and understandings you have gathered since that time. For example, you use your current language and idioms to describe your experience.
Regressions can open up intuitive abilities that you now acesss with increasted confidence. Overtime, your viewpoint can widen to see the bigger picture, while also drilling down to into the details, helping you become more aware of the nuances in situations. You may find you see more of the motivation driving people’s behaviour and proceedings.
Expansion of this calibre can happen during a regression or as you proceed on your journey in life. Your eyes open. Now, you realise you were looking through a particular prism that has since expanded to include other important aspects.
A life between lives regression used to take four to five hours, but the energies are changing and I have found three hours is enough to accomplish all you need, particularly if you are open, sense a connection to your guides or you have undertaken a past life regression beforehand. I found clients tend to tire after three hours and lose their connection. Regressions are an exciting and emotional experience and that can be tiring. Thus, only one regression each day is possible for any client.
Your regression is recorded. Playing this recording can take you back to the peace, joy and insights you may have found in the Life Between Lives state and it can continue to enlighten you for as long as you continue to listen to it. Some people transcribe the audio recording so they can easily be reminded of salient points.
You will know when the time is right to make a commitment to embark upon this journey. Please call me if you need guidance. You are always welcome to email or call me if you need any assistance.