by Karen | Jun 19, 2024 | Authenticity, Creating Our Reality, Genuine Love, Karma, Panic attacks, Past Lives, Podcasts, Wisdom |
In this podcast, my guest, also called Karen Joy, shares five past lives she visited during her regression. These past lives explained important relationships in her life. She also released phobic triggers that had caused her stress.
by Karen | Nov 1, 2023 | Anger, Anxiety, Authenticity, Creating Our Reality, Panic attacks, Wisdom |
Where do fears and phobias come from? Past experiences including those from this life and past lives. Karen explains how you can set yourself free if you seek skilled help.
by Karen | Jan 11, 2023 | Anger, Anxiety, Lost Souls, Panic attacks, Rejection and Abandonment, Wisdom |
We don’t think of fear as a gift. Especially if we suffer from panic attacks, anxiety and PTSD. But understanding fear and its purpose is worthwhile. With wisdom, we can easier unravel our anxieties.
by Karen | Jan 4, 2023 | Anger, Anxiety, Lost Souls, Panic attacks, Rejection and Abandonment, Wisdom |
We don’t think of fear as a gift but without we wouldn’t survive long on the planet. Past patterns of fear, however, can be debilitating once triggered. Karen explains how to release past, outdated fearfulness.
by Karen | Nov 2, 2022 | Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Manifesting What You Want, Panic attacks, Spiritual Expression, Wisdom |
Choosing the right therapist is crucially important. You have to trust your therapist so you want a good one. How do you make this choice. Karen explains what to be aware of and how to make a discerning choice.
by Karen | Apr 27, 2022 | Anxiety, Authenticity, Panic attacks, Past Lives, Podcasts, Wisdom |
In this podcast, Jane shares how she felt anxious when she saw red lights on cars in front of her. The association with past life trauma was shocking and most unusual.
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