Today it is two years (22nd Sept. 2016) since Michael Newton departed for his life between lives. I thought it fitting to let you know about a new book with which he was involved.
The Book is “Llwellyn’s Little Book Of Life Between Lives” which is to be launched in the USA on the 1st of October 2018.
This is a great book for anyone interested in past life or life between lives regression. By using relevant and absorbing cases, it explains the process in detail, including the preparation, the hypnotic process, what the past life is like and “places” you can access in the life between lives. Because it is a small book with an attractive hard cover, it is a great gift.
I am a member of the Research Committee of the Michael Newton Institute, There are four of us and we are the authors of this book. Many of the cases in the book come from my clients (with permission of course)..
Ann Clark, the Director of the Research Committee, spoke to Michael Newton a few months before he passed. He had been asked by Llewellyn, the publisher of his books, to write this book. Because he trusted the work the Research Committee had already done, he asked Ann if she could take on the writing of the book. He was not in the best of health at the time. She promised him the Research Committee members would write the book. Sadly, Michael passed over before it was finished.
You can pre-order the book now, either with your local bookstore or the link below. If you have any problems getting it, please let me know.
Here is the link
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