In this episode, my guest is Jeff, an accountant and financial advisor. Jeff, earlier in life, had a number of esoteric experiences, including an extra-terrestrial visit. He recalls how this experience impacted him and how it was corroborated by a close friend. During the regression, further extra-terrestrial contact was made and Jeff was given a deeper understanding of why he had this unusal experience in the first place, and why it was important.

As well, Jeff shares his experience of living several past lives including dying as a Japanese woman, which greatly surprised him. He also relived past lives as a noble lord weighed down with responsibility and as an child who’d lost his family to sabertoothed tigers. In different ways, these unexpected past lives resonated strongly with his current life challenges.

Watch out for the next podcast when my guest is Christopher, a Health Coach, who surprisingly met a grey alien during his regression. Aliens turning up in my regressions is quite unusual and yet both Jeff and Christopher recently had this experience. Every regression has its surprises and the information provided by the aliens to each of them was not the same.

Chris also shares his use of the plant medicine, Ayahuasca, and how those experiences compare with his regression. He receives important messages about how to keep evolving as he moves forward and I found this message relevant to me and believe it would also be useful for others.

To make sure you don’t miss out, watch out for my podcast email or subscribe to your favourite podcaster below. One podcast will now be posted each month.

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