When you signed up at one of the Spirit Festivals for my blog, I promised I wouldn’t post too much. As you might have noticed, I have kept this promise. I have hardly posted at all. A few people have noted this and suggested I do more posts. But before I started, I needed to think more deeply about why I haven’t been posting.

I am writing several books, some for a USA publisher on behalf of The Newton Institute and two that will be submitted under my own name. These books use client cases. Publishers require unpublished material. This has inhibited me from writing about cases in my blogs. I can use a case twice provided the words written are different. I take my commitments seriously so this means tracking all that is written. Possible, but time consuming and complicated.

So what should I be writing about in my blogs? What would people like to know? I have come up with a couple of ideas.

I have spent the last twenty-five years focussing on recovery, recovering the parts of myself lost in the struggle to survive, not just in this life but also in other lives. Shamans have a name for this process, “calling the spirit back.” The idea is to become whole. Interestingly the word “holy” comes from this concept. I make no claim to be enlightened but I am endeavouring to live an enlightened life, choosing to do my best to overcome many challenges. I thought I would share some of my journey with you.

From 1998 to 2008, I was a regular contributing writer for The Courier Mail, Queensland’s major newspaper. At the time, I was a private practising psychologist named Karen Nixon and I wrote from that perspective. Although I wrote feature articles from time to time, mostly I had a column where I answered client’s questions. This was fun. I enjoyed answering questions using my experience with my psychology clients, clients who taught me a great deal. Readers seemed to enjoy this approach too and I developed quite a following.

I wonder if you have any questions you would like answered. Past life and life between lives regressions give us much information about life and the Afterlife. I would like to share some of this wisdom with you, focussed on your needs and curiousity. All you need to do is ask. You can email me via the contact page on this website. When useful, I will still refer to client cases, with clients’ permission, of course.  I am very fortunate that ninety-nine percent of clients give me permission to anonymously use their cases when they fill out their intake form.

These are my ideas about the content for my blog. I am interested in any ideas you have and anything you would like to know. Please comment below or contact me via my contact page if anything comes to mind. I would love you to share your thoughts and ideas.

Thank you!



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