The Michael Newton Institute
The Michael Newton Institute for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy (MNI) was formed in 2002. It is a ‘non-profit’ organization run mostly by volunteers.
The Institute was set up to train carefully-chosen, qualified hypnotherapists in Michael’s tried and tested process so the important work he was doing could continue.
Over nearly twenty years, TNI has trained a network of fully qualified and experienced hypnosis professionals who can be relied upon to facilitate a Life Between Lives Spiritual Regression hypnotherapy session.
Karen Joy is and has been a member of MNI since 2012.
Here is the link to the Michael Newton Institute
Michael Newton
Dr Michael Newton was a Clinical Psychologist who used hypnotherapy in his practice. One day he regressed a client to the “origin of the problem” and found the client accessed a past life. Dr Newton investigated this phenomena because of the amazing change in the client’s life. One day, some years later, a client regressed to her life between lives, a state also called “our spirit home” or the “afterlife.”
Over forty years Dr Newton conducted thousands of Life Between Lives Spiritual Regressions, mapping the “places” one could visit in our live between lives. He experimented with different approaches until he understood the process well.
He had a waiting list of three years and in the early 2000’s was coming to a time in his life when he wanted to prepare for retirement. He trained others in his methods and those practitioners set up the Michael Newton Institute. Micheal passed over to his life-between-lives in 2016.